
Have you ever recruited family members to help out with your projects? I have had the pleasure of having my sons and nephews help me on different projects… and they

Inspired creativity also sometimes comes with a full moon rising Our team has been having a lot of fun incorporating ChatGPT and AI into not only our marketing but our

Back in 2010, my speaker’s kit (below) was all about unlocking the secrets of social media for business and navigating the digital marketing maze. Fast forward to today, and while

We’ve had the honor of building several “legacy” websites, including one for my dad. These are significant projects, to feel like we are, in a small way, helping to preserve

Seth Godin is known as the godfather of Internet marketing and he wrote the book on permission marketing. I’ve been following him for almost 20 years. In this great interview,

I clicked on this on my LinkedIn feed. It sounded a lot like they were describing the age-old marketing funnel. I clicked on the link and it’s an ad for

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